Wednesday, December 22, 2021

6 Tips to Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking


Nervous woman wearing a pink shirt.

Public speaking is one of the most feared activities, ranking higher than heights or flying. Many people worry that they will forget their speech, choke on the words, or be too anxious to get through it all. However, there are ways you can overcome this fear and come out a winner! Here are six tips for overcoming public speaking anxiety.

1) Prepare your speech ahead of time.

You’ll reduce the amount of stress if you know exactly what you’re going to say before you go up on stage. Practice your speech at least three times before giving it live so that you can iron out any kinks and make sure it flows appropriately without sounding too rehearsed. Create bullet points on paper with essential information so that you can glance down to find the right words when need be.

Being prepared will help to reduce nervousness while speaking and make you appear more confident.

2) Keep your hands in your pockets.

Hands are a massive giveaway for nervousness. If you have them stuffed in your pockets, it is less likely that people will notice any shaking or sweating you may be experiencing. If there’s nothing else you can do, make sure you stand with your hands straight down your legs instead of behind your back.

Another option is to keep your hands folded together and set them before you while speaking. This will give you a sense of control while speaking and help you to remain composed.

Learning to use gestures is essential, but first, you need to feel comfortable speaking.

3) Avoid eye contact.

Many people recommend that you look into the audience when you speak, but this makes some people more nervous because you’re staring at them like a deer in headlights. If it helps to look away from the audience, do so. It’s more important that you focus on your speech and not get caught up in what everyone thinks about you.

One technique is to look over everyone's head and look at the back wall. It gives the illusion that you're making eye contact with everyone.

Eventually, you'll need to learn to look people in the eye while speaking to them. But, you can learn this over time.

4) Take a deep breath.

When you feel anxious, take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds. This will help to calm your nerves and clear your head. It’s also a good idea to exhale slowly to release any extra tension you may be feeling.

Taking a deep breath when you're nervous can help regulate your heart rate and calm you down. As you feel your heart rate increase, slow yourself down by taking a deep breath.

5) Use positive self-talk.

When you start to feel panicky, tell yourself that everything will be okay. Remind yourself of your strengths and how well you have prepared for this speech. Positive self-talk can help quiet the inner critic and put you in a more confident state of mind.

Examples of positive self-talk could include:

  • "I know I can do it."
  • "I am prepared, and people want to hear what I have to say."
  • "I am in control."
  • "I am relaxed and ready to go."

If you are appropriately prepared, trust yourself. You can do this!

6) Visualize success.

Before you go on stage, visualize yourself giving a flawless speech that everyone enjoys. See yourself confidently speaking and engaging with the audience. This will help put you in a positive frame of mind and increase your belief in your ability to succeed.

Believing in yourself is crucial when speaking because it will help you feel better about your presentation. While you may feel very nervous, the audience won't realize how nervous you are. Just think about that!


Public speaking is one of the most challenging yet rewarding activities you can do in life. However, it is also an activity that many people fear. Some people experience public speaking anxiety because of this fear.

If public speaking is something you struggle with, don’t worry too much! Instead, focus on the six great tips listed here for overcoming public speaking anxiety so you can come out a winner.

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6 Tips to Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking

  Public speaking is one of the most feared activities , ranking higher than heights or flying. Many people worry that they will forget thei...